Managing boats in University Sailing ClubMinder (employee role)
ClubMinder maintains a list of the club’s boats, as well as the boat ratings members must hold to check out a particular boat. It also tracks boat usage and can generate usage statistics.
Control panels for boat ratings, boats, and usage information can be accessed from the Boats tab at the top of the application.
You can manage all of the club’s boats from the Fleet control panel:
· Update boat information, including which ratings are required to check out a particular boat.
· Add a new boat to the fleet.
· Remove a boat from the fleet.
· Filter the boat list by boat class, size, rating, value, and other criteria.
· Customize the default list displayed when you first click Fleet.
· Save your filter criteria to one of five custom list buttons at the bottom of the screen.
You can manage all boat ratings from the Ratings control panel:
· Edit a rating.
· Filter the list of ratings by rating class.
· Delete a rating. Ratings can only be deleted under certain circumstances, and this is rarely done.
From the Usage control panel, you can view boat usage history and generate comprehensive usage statistics:
· Search boat usage history by member, boat, or date.
· Generate usage statistics based on criteria you specify.